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Flight Weather

Flight Weather
  • 类型:天气
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Spindrift Software
  • 是否收费:¥15.00
  • 更新时间:2024-02-14 10:42:46
  • 标签: 天气 旅游
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Flight Weather helps pilots find the weather information they need for a safe and efficient flight. Quickly locate and display current aviation weather observations and forecasts with an easy Maps-based interface, or use the search function to find airports by FAA or ICAO codes.


- tap a station to quickly show the current weather, tap again to display detailed information such as present weather and density altitude

- display METARs (observations) and TAFs (forecasts) in their concise coded format, or view them in a helpful translated presentation

- see at a glance which stations provide forecasts (purple pins) or observations only (green pins)

- switch between your preferred units for temperature, wind speed, and altimeter setting




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